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Corporate MembersTPMA Corporate Members represent companies ranging from the athletic footwear business to the pharmaceutical industry. Funds received through the Corporate Membership Program enable TPMA to enhance services to its members while also providing important information and education to the general public on the vital role podiatric medicine plays in healthcare. This program allows industry to learn the activities of TPMA and work with the podiatric medical profession. Learn more about TPMA's corporate membership program by contacting us at 615-353-0046 or [email protected] TPMA gratefully acknowledges the companies in our Corporate Membership Program and their commitment to excellence in the podiatric medical community. Platinum MembersWith innovative lab technologies and a team of highly experienced pathologists, Bako Diagnostics is the podiatric medical community’s premier pathology services partner. BakoDx specializes in laboratory diagnostics of nail, skin, wound, soft tissue and bone of the lower extremity. BakoDx’s testing includes: DNA (PCR) tests for onychodystrophy and skin infection BakoDx’s in-network services are available through its more than 250 million covered lives, including all five national health plans and more than 200 additional insurance providers. BakoDx is committed to supporting the education and advancement of the podiatric medical profession. Let us show you the BakoDx difference. For more information, visit BakoDx.com or call 855-422-5628. At Horizon, we believe science and compassion must work together to transform lives. Our mission to deliver medicines for rare, autoimmune and severe inflammatory diseases and provide compassionate support comes from our strong and simple philosophy to make a meaningful difference for patients and communities in need.
Founded by podiatrists, for podiatrists, Podiatry Insurance Company of America (PICA) is the nation's leading provider of medical professional liability insurance for podiatric physicians in the United States. For over 37 years, we have provided medical professional liability coverage while supporting and enhancing the podiatric profession through sponsorships, risk management seminars and annual scholarships for podiatric medical students, to name a few. We offer a variety of discounts, such as part-time, new practitioner, risk management, non-surgical and leave of absence, other insurance products through ProAssurance Agency, outstanding customer service and expert claims handling with a seasoned team of specifically approved defense counsel. PICA is committed to protecting and supporting podiatric physicians in every aspect of their practices.
TPMA has endorsed PICA as its preferred professional liability insurance carrier for podiatric physicians and surgeons in Tennessee.
As one of the world’s leading companies in medical technology, Stryker is dedicated to helping foot and ankle surgeons treat their patients more efficiently while enhancing patient care and the overall healthcare experience. Constantly driven to innovate, we offer a diverse array of advanced medical technologies and a comprehensive portfolio of products. We’re here for the foot and ankle surgeon. We’re here to make healthcare better.
On July 1, 2012, as part of the merger between Kent State University and the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, the OCPM Foundation was established for charitable and educational purposes. The Foundation is operating as a 501c (3) private foundation. In 2019, this foundation is now doing business as The Podiatry Foundation, which promotes and fosters podiatric medical education and research by awarding grants supporting projects related exclusively to podiatric medicine. The Podiatry Foundation is governed by a board of trustees whose main purpose is to preserve the financial stability of the foundation and manage the assets. Should it ever become necessary, these assets will be used to reinstitute a college of podiatric medicine in Northeast Ohio. The Podiatry Foundation Board of Trustees plays an important role in approving grants. They fully support and are committed to awarding annual funds related to projects that will enhance the future of podiatric medical education and research.
The Podiatry Foundation’s purpose is to serve and nurture podiatric medicine, education, and research. The Podiatry Foundation has assisted many national, state, and local podiatric medical organizations, The Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine, as well as students and residents in the greater Cleveland area.
![]() As a privately-owned small business based in McMinnville, TN, Vilex has developed and manufactured state of the art, user-friendly implant systems with the collaboration of medical professionals since our founding in 1996. Vilex introduced the first (CHI) cannulated hemi implants for 1st and Lesser MPJ arthroplasty, subtalar implants, and hammertoe implant offering precise positioning - utilizing cannulation beyond the cannulated screw.